
Thursday, 25 March 2021

AYLI Spring Critters

 Welcome peeps!! So I was Christmassy on Monday and now I am celebrating SPRING!! Everywhere is bursting with new life (except my tomato seeds which is a huge disappointment!!) and the ponies and dogs are moulting so my clothing is permanently covered in hair so it must be spring!!

It is the start of the new challenge at As You Like It and we would love you to share your favourite springtime critters and give your reason too.

It is lambs for me. There is nothing like watching them jumping around the fields ( I think gamboling is the correct term) and climbing on their Mums. There are several fields full of them on our track and there are always one or two really brave lambs that will watch as I am riding towards them, they stand their ground and then as we get closer...leg it back to their Mum for a quick sup at the milk bar. So sweet!!

Here are my lambs

and in close up...

Just a cream pom pom with a cardboard face (that I appear to have stuck on back to front as I can see the pencil line!!) and some beads threaded on pipe cleaners for legs.

This adorable image is from the Polkadoodles Honeypie collection. I coloured them with Promarkers to match the very old LOTV/Nitwits paper pad Perfect Pair. As you can see I was able to actually take these photographs outside in my favourite spot...ooh it has been a long winter!!

It would be lovely if you could find time to play along.

See you soon xx

Some Challenges

Digi Choosday Week #12

Sweet Stampers #54 - Easter or Spring

Sweet Stampin' - Spring Mood Board

MAWTT #128 - Spring is Coming



  1. Two beautiful Sprigtime makes Sarah,love the lamb

  2. Love your pom pom lamb Sarah and the bright cheery DP on your fab card.
    I agree about the lambs running and jumping, lifts the heart. They might not be doing too much of that in the next day or so as the forecast is for icy winds, rain and poss snow. Quite a few have shed their plastic raincoats after the last few days of sunshine! :)

  3. Gorgeous image used Sarah, love this image and have it myself. You should also enter in our Polkadoodles challenge, different to Digi Choosday....xx
    Love your lamb...had to chuckle. x

  4. Your little lamb is adorable and the card equally so. Yes Spring is here, it's even drying up a bit in our parts.

    B x

  5. gorgeous Easter card - and love your cute little lamb!

  6. Sweet little card and I love your pom pom lamb.
    Katrina x

  7. Awww...this little pom-pom lamb is so cute, and what a gorgeous card. Had to take my Mother to Maidstone hospital today for an eye clinic appointment, once I was out on the more rural roads, the blossom on the trees was glorious to see

  8. Beautiful card Sarah, such a sweet image and gorgeous papers, like your pom pom lamb too.

    Pat xx

  9. I love a good pompom, like sitting making them too from Cornflake paclets. He's super cute and would make a great table decoration. Super sweet card with a really pretty shape and coloured beautifully as always x

  10. Your little lamb is just adorable Sarah and I love your card image, colouring and card shape, fabulous..I love to watch the lambs frolicking, my Mum always told me that is what they were

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  11. Your card is total gorgeousness, Sarah, the colours are beautiful!
    Shawn the Sheep is adorable too but I think he may need friends!! :) xx

  12. A super card and cute lamb Sarah, I love your sweet image and pretty papers - the lamb is adorable.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  13. Two gorgeously sweet Spring projects Sarah. I love the cute image on your card and the delicate Spring colours you have used.

  14. Baaaahtastic hun! Love your lambs, so "springy" xx

  15. A super cute card for Mollie Sarah and your little lamb is brilliant! x

  16. A very cute card and an even more cute lamb. I amy need to pinch your idea and make one too. Elaine

  17. Hi Sarah,
    I love your card it's so pretty and the shape is wonderful.
    Great colouring of that cute image and super papers used.
    Oh isn't that lamb gorgeous and sooooooooooo! cute.
    You are so clever designing it.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  18. Oh Sarah, your lamb is so very adorable! And the card is so pretty too! Thank you for joining us at Sweet Stampin' this week. Sammy-x

  19. Thanks for entering your lovely spring themed card into our challenge.
    Diane (Team Leader, Moving Along With The Times) xx

  20. A gorgeous card Sarah, she looks fabulous and I love the colours.
    That pom pom lamb is absolutely adorable...might have to 'borrow' that idea for school!
    Lorraine x

  21. Prachtig lente kaartje
    Lief schaapje heb je gemaakt.
    Groetjes Gerrie

  22. A card and little lamb that just make me go "awwww" so super duper cute!!

  23. Such a gorgeous card Sarah and your lamb is cute as a button! I agree about the dog hair! it gets everywhere lol hugs Sue x

  24. Beautiful card, spring just jumps right out of it! :-)
    And what a cute little lamb have you made!
    Thanks for playing with us at Polkadoodles Digi Choosday Craft Challenge.
    I hope to see you next time!
    Hugs, Myriam (DT Polkadoodles)
    Vier Vandaag

  25. Lovely and sweet card
    Thank you for joining us at the Sweet Stampers and i hope to see you again.

  26. Very pretty card Sara and that little lamb is adorable. I love to hear about your country wonderful to have animals, especially when there are baby ones about. xx

  27. Awww both of these are so sweet and gorgeous spring colors on your card! Wishing you a happy Easter.
    Hugs, Tammy

  28. What a sweet card Sarah. Spring is definitely here. We go out walking most mornings and a couple of weeks back, there was nothing, then all of a sudden this week, so many trees and flowers are starting to blossom. I would just like a few more days like we had at the beginning of the week when it was lovely and warm....I actually got sunburned! :) x

  29. Super cute card Sarah and I LOVE your little lamb! Lucky you having lambs on your doorstep, I could watch them play for hours!

  30. Very nice work thanks for sharing!!!

  31. I'm so glad spring is showing up for you, definitely my fav time of year! I love all your little lambs. That image is so sweet especially with you wonderful, soft coloring. Your little pom lamb is absolutely so cute.

  32. I think you're right! I've heard that term before describing little lambs. I can see how you love them. Your card is beautiful, as is your little lamb. I would have never noticed that the face was back to front. Looks absolutely lovely to me just the way it is :-)

  33. What an adorable Pom Pom lamb design and lovely card. Our weather can't decide if it is going to rain or be sunny.

    Hugs diane

  34. Adorable card and little lamb. How clever are you, it looks so professional and cuddly. Gorgeous card and papers too. Hugsx x


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