
Wednesday, 27 July 2022


 Evening All!! I know, it's unusual for me to be here a) on a Wednesday and b) in the evening. But, as we are currently enjoying Summer, here in the UK, it would be rude not to join in with the current Summer challenge over on the Allsorts Challenge blog. 

I made this...

I just knew that I had the perfect stamp set for this card. It was a Clearly Besotted magazine freebie from waaaay back. The leaves were stamped in two shades of ink and then clear embossed and the flower heads coloured with my Promarkers. I have quite a lot of fuschias in the garden, they seem to be one plant that Bowie doesn't lie on or dig up!

 The one that I used as a backdrop to this card has special significance. When we opened as a livery yard back in 2001 one of our first clients was a formidable lady called Jenny who was as tall as she was wide and was the typical Pony Club Instructor type. Sit up and kick on...B you will know the type I mean!!  Anyway, despite her loud voice and firm opinions she was a darling and when she split plants in her garden always gave us some. This Fuschia being one of them. 

She stayed with us a few years and it was her mare that bore the first foal at Mallows Farm, Delboy Trotter he was called!! She left us when she found a field closer to home but we still kept in touch. As well as her horses and garden, she loved her dogs and had three, Juniper, Gingham and Pumpkin. She was walking her lovely girls one morning when she had a sudden, fatal, heart attack and was found, by a gentleman, with her beloved pooches beside her. I think of her throughout the year when her primoroses appear in the garden, when the snowdrops that she gave us pop up in the lane and when this old fashioned fushcia shows off.

If you are still with me, thank you for your visit and I shall see you when I do xx

Some Challenges

Allsorts Challenge #686 - Summer


  1. Sad to read what happened to the lady but I can visualise her perfectly, we had one such lady who was mistress of our hunt. I started with them when I was nine and she terrified me, Dad always said her bark was worse than her bite. And he was probably right as I've never forgotten being given the brush from the kill and felt so the whole hunting things appals me but I didn't know any better then.

    Your card is a lovely reflection of that special Fuchsia and so pretty, perfect for Allsorts, thank you.

    B x

  2. A beautiful card Sarah, lovely and colourful and perfect for our challenge at Allsorts, thank you for joining us there.

  3. I thought I recognised that stamp set, there's one lurking in the box somewhere! ;) What a lovely way to remember your friend, sad but she was surrounded by her four legged friends. Just been out to plant a few purchases, now the ground is well watered. :)

  4. Lovely card, the fuchsia stamp is beautiful. Thanks for sharing the story behind the fuchsia in your garden. xx

  5. Oh, dear, how sad, you made me cry and now I can't see to type......................................................okay, pulled it together, How beautiful Sarah your fuschsias are just beautiful, I love the stamp and gorgeous colouring..beautiful..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  6. A beautifully coloured CAS card Sarah, lovely to read that it was inspired by a gift from your late friend.

  7. Beautiful card and such a poignant story. xx

  8. Fuchsias are one of my favourite flowers and your colours are lovely Sarah. A lovely story about Jenny, but sad at the same time. Thank you for sharing with us x

  9. A beautiful card Sarah, so pretty - Fuchias are one of my favourite plants.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  10. A beautiful fuchsia and a very special story. Plants hold many dear memories - I think that's why we love to care for them. Your card is lovely! Thank you so much for sharing at Allsorts.

  11. Hi sarah,
    this is such a gorgeous card and those fuschias are so brilliant and coloured wonderfully.
    I love Fuschias they are my fave summer flower as they last all summer long and even into the Autumn.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  12. Sarah, that was a lovely and amusing tribute to Jenny! She had a full history with both your Mallows Farm and your garden/lane and I was able to form a fabulous mental picture of her! Your fuchsia card and your real fuchsias are gorgeous! Hugs, Darnell

  13. Lovely card. Thank you for sharing at Allsorts.

  14. Gorgeous card Sarah and so sad to hear about your friend hugs x

  15. Beautiful card Sarah, I love fuchsias! I have a few plants from my aunt's garden and I think of her often when I'm out deadheading, such a lovely way to remember someone x

  16. A beautiful card Sarah and coloured perfectly. The fuschias have been lovely this year and your card is a wonderful tribute to your friend x

  17. Great project and fantastic colours and technique ♥ Eye is trying to focus but once the other one is done in Aug 11th it should be better, thanks for asking x

  18. Hi Sarah, am whizzing thorough catching up blogs / cards, feels like ages since I was here last and look at how many lovely cards I've missed!

    Loved the squirrel one a couple of posts back, I also have a proper dislike / fear of birds (and flying things in general) we had a couple of bats appear in our house a few years back and I freaked, hubby had to get them out pronto! We've also had a crow come down the chimney, luckily I was outside already otherwise you wouldn't have seen me for dust!

    This card is gorgeous as well, love your colour choices and the clean lines - just my cup of tea. In a way that's a super sad story about your friend, but on the other hand maybe not a bad way to go. Doing something you enjoyed with people (or in this case her dogs) that are special to you. She obviously left a lasting impression on you and your family and that's how people are kept alive after death isn't it, by being remembered by those who are still here.

    Hope the cooler weather is suiting you better - currently raining here! What a difference a week makes!!


  19. Your story is testimony that our kindness can live on even after we have passed. I love that her flowers are a reminder to you. Your card is gorgeous! I love the beautiful fuschias you have colored so brilliantly.

  20. Oh hunny, my heart skipped a beat the further down the page I read. A sad way for this formidable lady to go, but oh how beautiful to remember her as you do, each time a special flower blooms that she had shared with you. Your fuchsia plant is beautiful and this so reminded me of my daddy, as he had a rather beautiful fuchsia that grew outside our front door when we were little. So two precious people remembered today. Your card is gorgeous and the clear embossing on the leaves looks fabulous. A lovely creation hun. Hugs, Wends xoxo


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