
Sunday, 4 September 2022

Hello and Goodbye

 Hello September and hello to rain. Honestly, our paddocks look like the Sahara and a couple of our oak trees have already started to shed their leaves and acorns due to stress. We drove Connor and Amelia to Bristol Airport on Friday and it was shocking to see how green the fields are just an hour from home. Hopefully the much needed rain will do the trick and we can enjoy the usual Autumn "flush" of grass.

So that's the hellos over and done with now the saddest Goodbye. It was with a heavy heart that we said Goodbye to my Darling Surprise a week or so ago. She brought me such joy over the 25 years that she employed me(!!) and I have such happy memories. She didn't do so well last winter and despite piling food into her she continued to look poor so we made the decision to let her enjoy the sumer and take her final journey on a bright and sunny morning. She's not gone far away though, just beyond the garden with Mog and Suzy where, come the spring, we enjoy masses of spring bulb colour.

I loved her for most of her life and will miss her for the rest of mine.

This was us ten years ago when Surprise was about 25 years old. 

Wills has settled down now but was a little bit "shouty" for the first few days. We didn't think that they were actually very fond of each other judging by the faces they used to pull!! Surprise was very much the yard "Matriarch", hugely independent and evidence suggested that Wills was merely her subject!!

Anyway, thank you for hearing me out and I shall see you soon with something crafty xx


  1. What can I say Sarah, I share your grief and tears are welling as I write this. It's the hardest decision we ever have to make when it comes to our beloved pets, we always know the day will come but nothing prepares us for when it does.

    Sending love and hugs.

    B x

  2. So sorry to hear of your loss Sarah. Pets are a part of the family and it's very hard to say goodbye to them xx

  3. My heart goes out to you Sarah,she will be a great miss to you all.Megx

  4. This was so sad to hear Sarah ..there are no words at all. But your memories of Surprise you hold in your heart..lots of huggles Sue x

  5. I remember reading about Surprise and weeping slightly now reading this post,I'm so very sorry that you had to say goodbye to your best friend, so sad..but as you say, some wonderful memories and not too far from to you Sarah..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  6. I'm so sorry to hear your sad news Sarah, my heart goes out to you, you must miss her so much.
    Sending hugs.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  7. Hi Sarah,
    so sorry to hear of your loss of Suprise.
    He was one of the family after all the years I'm sure.
    At least you have your wonderful memeories of looking after and riding throughout the years.
    It will take some time to adjust I'm sure.
    Lots of crafty love and hugs. Jenny L.

  8. Such sad news and I can only imagine how you must feel but know that we are all thinking of you and sending big hugs. You have happy memories and the knowledge that you gave Surprise 25 beautiful years with your friendship and care. xxx

  9. So sorry to hear this, Sarah. Our animals occupy a huge space in our hearts that is so hard to fill once they're gone. Happy trails, Surprise and hugs to you, Sarah xxx

  10. Aww, Sarah, I'm so sorry to hear about Surprise. They really do take a part of our heart when they pass on. Sending big comforting hugs, Lena

  11. Oh Sarah, how sad to lose Surprise! She was such a big part of your life for a very long time and it will take time to adjust to life without her. I'm so sorry...
    Take care,
    Carol x

  12. So sorry for your loss. Animals are such a huge part of our lives. Always in your heart and memories too. Huge hugs. xx

  13. Oh Sarah! That will have been so difficult hun. So sad you had to say goodbye to sweet Surprise. I know she'll live forever in your heart and mind. Sending you a big hug and oodles of love, Wends xoxo


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