
Saturday, 22 June 2013


Evening chaps, it's not been a great weather day so I have managed to hole up in the work room and make a couple of cards, what else is one to do!!?

This one scares me and I'm not actually sure that I like it very much, but my philosophy is if you never try you'll never know!! The moustache stamp and the chevrons were free (among others) with Get Stamping Magazine, which my Mum bought for me...bless! Never thought I would use them but I decided to have a go and based the card on the example in the mag. I am (reluctantly) playing along at the following....

(not sure now that my interpretation is correct-feel free to delete!)

Off to finish the second one which I shall share with you tomorrow.
Cheerio for now xx


  1. The sentiment says it all Sarah !

    Nice to know you were one of the green wellie gang as well, sometimes I am quite envious of the antics the children get up to with their meets, brings back memories.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

    B x

  2. Fab card!
    Thanks for playing along at AGOAC this week.
    Good luck.
    Debs xx


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