
Thursday, 12 June 2014

A bag!!

Hello peeps, I hope you are well this morning, looks like we have another nice day in store, fingers crossed. I have a hankering for Banoffee Pie so think I shall have a little kitchen session later on. For now though I have a bag to share with you. 

The pattern was in the most recent C&C Members magazine, and as I was so pleased with how the scottie dog turned out I thought I would give it a go.

It was relatively quick and easy to make, although the higgledy piggledy band at the top did have me flummoxed for a bit, but my sewing  "partner in crime" Kim had explained previously how it, and the lining worked!! 

I would like to enter the following challenges

All Crafts Challenge - Anything Goes But NO Cards
Anything But A Card - Summer Lovin'
(just about the size for Factor 20, sunglasses and a kindle!!)
Crafting for all seasons #79 - Don't be a square

Thanks for sharing your day with me and I hope you have a good one!! xx


  1. This is gorgeous, Sarah. I really admire all you ‘sewists’ out there. Love the colour combo and beautiful patterns. Save me a piece of Banoffee Pie!! xx

  2. Wow this is gorgeous Sarah
    Love it
    Hugs Kelly

  3. Ommmmmmmmm banoffe pie, shove over, I'm on my way! Loving the bag missus, it looks super - you taking orders? Hugs xx

  4. So clever Sara, sewing is not my strong point. Love Banoffee Pie.

  5. Love your bag Sarah,gorgeous design and colours.Yummy Banoffee Pie,enjoy.
    Sue xx

  6. oh wow, this is a beaut Sarah!......the fabric is gorgeous too!

    I am a wee bit partial to a bit of banoffee too, would be happy to come and share xx

  7. Gorgeous, love it Sarah...hope to see you over in my new blog and candy...cheers, aNNie xxx
    The Journey is the Start

  8. Well done Sarah, must get my machine fixed so I can use up my stash of fabric!

  9. A brilliant job Sarah - well done (even though it got you flummoxed lol) - its a very pretty bag and very useful too ! Michelle x

  10. This is gorgeous Sarah. I love the design and pretty fabrics you have used.
    Sue xx

  11. Oops Sarah I'm playing catch up again! weather has been so great I've been out in the garden and been really busy lol but oh my word your bag is gorgeous what a fab job you have done I love it!! such gorgeous fabrics:) huggles Sue xxxxx

  12. Gorgeous bag Sarah, lovely fabric, the pie sounds yummy. Well done on the candy win at LOTV too x Susan x

  13. It looks gorgeous Sarah, love the fabric you've used :o) Hugs, Lisa x

  14. Hi Sarah, thanks so much for the lovely comment you left on my blog today! I love this bag, it's stunning! It does look very difficult!
    Hugs Lynsey x

  15. Hi Sarah, Been MIA for a bit, but enjoying a nice little surfing browse around some blogs tonight. I love this bag. The inset trim is so pretty with the fabric you chose. You did a great job on this lovely bag, and what pleasure you will have using it, getting all the compliments you are sure 'to bag'. Off to enjoy some more of your posts that I've missed. Thanks for your visit and sweet comment. TFS & Hugs

  16. Sarah I love your bag, it's fab. Hazel xx

  17. Fabulous bag and I love the shape. I could see myself using this over and over again!

  18. Beautiful bag, just perfect fabric choice. have a lovely weekend cheers Sue N x

  19. Hunny this is Blinking AWESOME! what a clever bunny you are! LOVE the colours too! hugs me x

  20. Fabulous bag - love the fabrics. Have a great weekend.

  21. Ooooh banoffee is def in my top 5 so I'll be over later for a slice! Has to be biscuit base, not pastry though, hope that's not a problem! ;0)
    I LOVE your bag. I've got a bit of a thing for bags (and boxes and other types of storage) but this is something special. Love the fabrics and the shape. It's fab.

  22. Wow, this is gorgeous - you're so talented! A really beautiful bag, such a lovely pattern. Wish I could have been there for some Banoffee pie!

  23. Fabulous bag and I am now so cross with myself as I have thrown my mag away!!! Thanks for sharing at Anything But A Card this time.

  24. This is super Sarah. You've inspired me, I've hunted out the pattern.
    Carole xXx


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