
Monday, 22 September 2014

I've been "tagged"

Happy Monday everyone. Have you noticed The Creative Blog Hop that happens on a Monday? Well I am honoured to  have been tagged by the lovely Jenny at Cardsarus who amazes me, every time, with her magnificent cards and boxes. She does things with dies that are beyond my comprehension!! So I urge you to  go and spend a while with her if you want some serious die-lightful inspiration!!

So, here we go...question time...

1)   What am I working on now.

Being a  fairly organised kind of girl I like to have my DT work done well in advance so there are two cards in the pipeline at present. I am also still practicing my crochet so there is currently another "work in progress"  on my hook. Added to that a knitted rabbit that needs stuffing and dressing and the pieces of a skirt that need sewing together. That much?! oh dear it looks bad written down!!

2)   How does your work differ from others in your genre?

 I don't tend to follow a particular genre but my own, I like to think. I dabble in most styles from time to time but do favour cute images, usually with very few frills .

3)   Why do I do what you do.

Because I love making things. My Mum has always knitted and made mine and my Sister's clothes when we were girls. So, I was taught to knit as a girl and dabbled in sewing, making cushions and curtains when I married but the cardmaking really took off when I was invited to a cross stitch party in the early 90's where I bought a kit, which led to cross stitch magazines, then card making magazines and I am now completely addicted!! It is also a nice balance to my outdoor and work life and gives me a little respite from the sport that so often dominates the house!!

4)How does my creative process work.

When cardmaking I choose a stamp first then the papers and generally have  "plan" in mind. I always make the card base first after deciding whether I am going to use a sketch or "wing it". Then I colour the image to match the papers. 

So, my friends, that is me!!  I would not be here but for Bev Rochester whose blog was the first I ever read having seen one of her cards in a magazine. Then came The Ribbon Girl and Wild Orchid Crafts as a result and the associated DT members at that time. Funny how things evolve isn't it? I finally took the plunge and blundered my way through setting up my own blog a couple of years ago ( you can see my first post here ) and the rest, as they say, is history!!

 If I take nothing else from my time spent in blogland it's the kindness and generosity of those I have met and am proud to call my friends  that make every minute spent here worthwhile (and sometimes know who you are!!). 

Which leads me nicely on to my nominees 

Mojca - Soul Sanctuary
whose papercrafting skills are exemplary.

Lisa - One Happy Little Crafter,
 is a fabulous and brilliant DT "Boss lady" She also makes the cutest cards in blogland!!

Michelle - Laughing Ducks,
whose blog I have followed from the start and watched her evolve into a truly inspirational cardmaker.

Thank you for sticking with it!!

See you tomorrow with more card and less waffle xx


  1. Thanks for sharing a little insight into your crafty world Sarah, it's a fun 'hop' isn't it.

    B x

  2. Lovely post Sarah and lots of interesting bits too x Susan x

  3. Hi Sarah,
    firstly thank you so much for your lovely words about me.
    I am touched at your description of my efforts with dies.
    Loved reading your post, and how your creative process works, and your creative background.
    I am a bit pushed for time this morning, as we have singing practice here today, but I will pop back later, and visit your nominees.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  4. I really loved reading this Sarah - its lovely to know how you started and what was your inspiration. I looked at your first post and the card you made for that is GORGEOUS. Thanks for nominating me and I can't wait to do my post ((hugs)) Michelle x

  5. A great post Sarah, I know a whle lot more about you now. Love your cards and am pleased to be a blog friend of yours. No chanre with Merlot I'm afraid. He's comfortable here but has now gone into a mega sulk! Jx

  6. Lovely insight into your crafting journey Sarah. :0)

  7. A great read Sarah it's nice to hear of peoples crafting journeys and like you I was inspired and taught to knit and make things as a child and Mam made our clothes too on a singer treddle LOL such memories:) Fab first post too lots of huggles Sue xxxx

  8. Hi Sarah, this is a delightful post, and it's such fun getting to know a bit more about you. I think we both start off our cards in similar fashion...(except you are much more organized). It's so interesting to find out how other crafters approach a project - to see how it differs or mirrors the way you do it yourself. Your cards are always so bright & cheerful, with lots of cute images and colors & it's always a treat to visit & see what you've shared. You are one very busy lady. I also love it when you share pictures of the countryside where you live too. TFS & taking part in the TCBH.

  9. I really loved reading this Sarah! Interesting to learn about folk behind the scenes :-)


    Di xx

  10. I'm so delighted that you were tagged and agreed to participate in TCBH, Sarah! Your interview was excellent and I enjoyed getting to know you and your creative process better!! Hugs, Darnell


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