
Saturday, 9 July 2016

An accidental purchase...

Hello all, hope that you are going to have a fun filled weekend.
My frequent visitors will know that I often have accidental purchases, you know what I mean, you touch the "add to basket" button and before you know it your finger slips again. Wellllll,  look what we accidentally bought.....

They are Springer Spaniel x Border Collies, we have had and love both breeds so hoped to find a mix and we achieved just that!! We went, a fortnight ago,  with the intention of choosing just one but ended up with two!!

We have named them Bowie and Bumble. Suzy has been such a good girl, she's going to make a great Nanna!! I might just leave it a day or two until I introduce them to Surprise and Mo the cat though.

If I am missing for a while you will know why, I have a feeling that these two might just be time wasters!!

Thank you for stopping by and for your kind words xx


  1. oh my gosh...they look like fun!!! Hope they are settling in just fine xx

  2. They look adorable Sarah and I can see you will be busy! Xx

  3. Oh Sarah,they are so cute, yet I know they will take up so much of your time! Double trouble. It's great that Suzy likes them, we have daughters dog staying for nearly three weeks, our Harris and him get along fine, they had Harris while we were away in Canada so only right we have there's.
    Enjoy the training of these two little bundles. Hazel X

  4. Aww, they look a handful of trouble!

  5. So sweet, have fun. look forward to seeing more pictures of them x cheers Sue x

  6. they look like a handful of fun enjoy them,

  7. Yea!!!! The only thing I love more than my family and crafting is a puppy and you've got X2! They are darling!

  8. So sweet Sarah. Have fun!

  9. These are just gorgeous such lovely little bundles but they will take a lot of your time for a while I'm certain. Perfect names just keep sharing the photos Love and hugs Carole x

  10. Oh my goodness I just squeeled!! You naughty lady!! They are so cute!!!!
    Lucy x

  11. OMGGGGG! How utterly adorable! I want one...if not two! Awesome accidental purchase, Sarah! 3 dogs is the way forward!! :) Have a fun filled weekend..well what else could it be! xxx

  12. They look adorable Sarah, you are certainly going to have your hands full!

  13. OMG, they are so gorgeous and you're definitely going to have your hands full Sarah! Enjoy :) X

  14. OMG they are gorgeous Sarah. Enjoy Sue x

  15. They are soooo cute, love dogs and these are just oh so cuddly.xx

  16. O my....two little bundles of are going to have fun watch and playing with these two....looking forward to more photo of what they are going to get up to!....Joolsx

  17. Oh these two are so cute! and you might be right about the time wasting factor, lol. I'm sure they'll keep you very busy over the next few weeks.
    Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog and with regard to the digital printing I find that I only get a good, vibrant colour reproduction if I use a matte photo paper but this can be expensive so I am in the process of finding out what other people use for their digital printing to see if an alternative comes up.

  18. This has to be the most amazing accidental acquisition EVER!!! I am in love...they are adorable and you are in for many years pure joy. I can't wait to see more picture as your fingers slip on the camera too! Congratulations, friend. Suzy will have her paws full... but she's up to it, I'm sure. Don't mind me while I live vicariously through you ... LOL
    Hugs, Asha

  19. ooo - I spy trouble lol - wonderful trouble I'm sure you'll have lots of fun but be exhausted!! I remember our puppy days vividly its like having a naughty and very cute toddler in tow - and now you have two - enjoythe next year or two of chaos lol hugs Judith x

  20. oh my, how adorable. Wishing you a lot of happiness and fun with them. Luv, Wilma

  21. Oh my gosh Sarah, I am so in love with your accidental purchases!! What a couple of cutie pies! Lots more pics of these fur babies as they grow please! Bowie and Bumble, LOVE IT!! hugs :)

  22. Well that was an accidental purchase for sure!! They're absolutely gorgeous (great names too), and yes, I reckon they'll definitely keep you busy!

  23. Oh Sarah...I'm in love. They are adorable! soft and so much fun at this age that some might call double trouble. Love their names too. Enjoy. hugs, Pat K x

  24. That was a major 'accidental' purchase, but I totally understand why they fell in your basket...they are utterly gorgeous. I'm sure you will have lots of fun with them...a very enjoyable waste of time I reckon!
    Big hugs, Kat xx

  25. absolutely gorgeous - why have one when you can have two!. They are adorable and will be the best and most faithful family members for many years to come.

  26. What a lovely story. They look like they'll be great pals and how gorgeous to have the two! That was a finger slip worth doing! Enjoy the 'baby days'. Hugs, Wends xoxo

  27. Awwwwwwwwwwwww! They're gorgeous. But they look a bit naughty! I think you'll have your hands full hun!


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