
Thursday 25 April 2019

Ribbon or Flowers at AYLI

It's time to share my As You Like It Challenge Inspiration with you. I can hardly believe it's time again. Anyway, your mission this time (should you choose to accept it!!) is

Flowers or Ribbon? and, as always, tell us why.

It's ribbon for me this time...the flowers can wait for another occasion!! 

I probably have enough ribbon to circle the earth several times!! All colours, widths, patterns. You name it I probably have it!! What I love about ribbon is that it adds a little "something" to a card without the bulk so the finished article can still be easily posted. 

The ribbon on this card was included in a mahoosive bundle from Crafty Ribbons that I won quite some time ago. It coordinated perfectly with the yellow daisy paper that was a scrap. The sweet bunnies were a freebie from Gerda Steiner that I coloured with Promarkers.

Looking forward to seeing what your favourite happens to be.
Thank you for visiting me xx

Some Challenges

The Creative Crafters #15 - Anything Goes


  1. You and me both Sarah! I have bitten the bullet and ditched some I cut from the shoulders of new clothes, enough is enough!
    A very sweet Easter card, hope the silage was all in before the heavy rain yesterday. :)

  2. Aww this is so cute! Love the yellow and red combo. I really must try to make a dent in my ribbon mountain!! xx

  3. You & me both with the ribbon lol....I'm ashamed to say I can't remember the last time I used some though. Love your card, adorable image & as you say, the ribbon pairs the paper perfectly.xx

  4. Lovely card Sarah, such a cute image and beautiful ribbon.

    Pat xx

  5. Agree with you Sarah, ribbon's really versatile lots of ways to use it, love the Easter bunnies

  6. A super cute image, a lovely card Sarah x

  7. What a cute Easter card, Sarah and I love the wonky edge on the image panel!
    Hope you had a great Easter break.
    Carol x

  8. Sarah, this is so very cute and love the fun image. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  9. Haha, so true about our ribbons being able to circle the globe several times! I love the one you used here with the flower button in the center of your bow! It does perfectly match your pretty egg! Great design composition, Sarah, and beautiful coloring!! Hugs, Darnell

  10. My stash of ribbon seems to be like my stash of scraps - they grow on their own!! :-) Your card is adorable and the image so cute! The perfect Easter card!
    Have a great day.

  11. Lovely Easter card Sarah. Thank you for sharing with us over here at The Creative Challenge and best of luck with your entry.

    Wendy DT Member for

  12. I also have enough ribbon to go around the world! At least it will look pretty! :)

  13. A pretty Easter card Sarah, such a cute image.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  14. This is a gorgeous card Sarah, those little bunnies are so sweet and I love the cheery colour combo. I had a big sort out and took my ribbons halfway round the world for my granddaughter as she loves playing with them.... still got a big tin full! xx

  15. What a gorgeous card and sweet image, love it x

  16. Beautiful little bunnies poking their heads out from behind the pretty spotted egg Sarah..Fab colouring and love the bow and button..really cute.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  17. Awww I love your little bunnies, what a fab freebie! I've a box of ribbon that rarely sees the light of day, I'll have to get back in the way of using it up.

  18. Love this gorgeous card Sarah! The ribbon is perfect. Love the way you finished it with that sweet flower shaped button too. LOVE that Gerda Steiner image too. I must pull out some of mine for a play again soon. So sweet! Hope you had a wonderful Easter with your lovely family. Hugs, Wends xoxo

  19. Gorgeous card Sarah, super cute and love your ribbon.
    Wendy xx

  20. Ribbon is a must have for me on crafts too sarah, I love the texture, it really does finish any card beautiful and your is no exception.
    Love the soft spring colours and the adorable image too x

  21. Such a sweet image Sarah and gorgeous colours too.

  22. Hi, Sarah! Your peek-a-boo bunnies are darling! I love that you colored one in warm tones, and the other in cool tones - fabulous design tip! Beautiful card! hugs, de

  23. I have a ton of ribbon too Sarah lol - your card is so beautiful - lovely bright colours and cute image - Michelle x

  24. Hi Sarah! I just don't seem to be able to get around in blogland much lately but...I'm so glad I did. This card is such a cutie and the ribbon is just the perfect touch. I seem to have an abundance of ribbon also, it's just so collectible! Hugs my friend!


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment. I appreciate it!!