
Monday, 28 November 2022

Silent Night, Holy Night

 Hello, hello!! Lovely to see you and I hope you are in for a good week.

I have such a cutie to share today. It's my DT piece for

We are Anything Goes with an optional theme, which this time is

Silent Night, Holy Night

so if you would like to, share a Nativity scene or perhaps an angel.

Here's mine...

I took inspiration from Sam Calcott again for the card shape. It was quite time consuming cutting out all the mats and I would highly recommend making a paper template first but, as you can see, the end result is well worth it. The image is the rubber version of LotV's Mary & Joseph. I coloured them with Spectrum Noir pens for a change. Apologies for the diabolical photograph, try as I might I just could not get a good one today!! It really is much nicer in real life!!

Thank you for your visit and comments. They are always much appreciated xx


  1. Fab inspiration Sarah, you've reminded me I have that image somewhere, must get it used! Mirror card is a nightmare to photograph isn't it? :)

  2. Love the shape and that is the cutest nativity scene and oh those blues!! 💙

  3. A delightful Nativity image Sarah.

    First shoot of the season here last week as well, our land seem to have become a refuge for the hunted as we don't allow access - really messes with their plans. Funny how things change, when I was young it all seemed quite normal as did hunting. The Boys are fine with the bangs, little miss is no so keen.

    B x

  4. A beautiful nativity card for a youngster Sarah,your colours,image,papers and layout are gorgeous

  5. Hi Sarah,
    I love this wonderful card and the fold looks amazing.
    The image is so sweet and you have coloured it perfectly too.
    I think your photo looks great as holographic card is a pig to photograph.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  6. So beautiful and what a fabulous image/die too, very exquisite ♥

  7. Fabulous card Sarah, love the design and the cute LOTV image, they are just right for this challenge.

    Pat xx

  8. I've been such a bag blogger/commenter the past few months, sorry.
    this is gorgeous Sarah, a very sweet nativity image, I love LOTV for their cuteness. The pretty snowflake papers and holographic mats were well worth all the measuring and cutting as they look fab.

  9. Sarah! This is so cute (not to mention hilarious!) This is such a great card all the way around.

  10. This image always make me smile, reminds of kid times and the Christmas plays we would do. And of course I love the perfect blue, my favorite color.

  11. So adorable and sweet, gorgeous card Sarah, fabulous fold.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  12. This is such a sweet image, I still love the LOTV kids nativity scenes as much today as when they were released, so timeless! Gorgeous card design and love the shine and glitz the iridescent card gives! Big hugs, Wends xoxo


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