Monday, 21 April 2014

Spring watering required!!

Happy Monday Folks!!

A visit from me before I get out in the garden, the rain has done wonders for the soil so should be nice and easy to dig. We also have a few docks appearing the the paddocks so they need attention too. Added to that I can burn off the calories I consumed yesterday!!

One of our patients, at work, left a home crafts magazine in the Waiting Room. 
I don't buy these so was interested to see what projects it contained. There was a rather nice fabric flower so I skimmed the instructions and came up with this. Whoever she was I do hope she will bring the next issue for me to have a peep at!!

I used a saucer to cut seven circles, then using embroidery thread did running stitch about 1/2" from the edge. My assistant held the fabric while I put a ball of stuffing (NOT sage and onion though!!) in the middle and then pulled the stitching tight. I actually stitched the petals to the centre but I'm sure  a hot glue gun would work just as well. The stem is a chop stick covered in ribbon. The flower pot actually contains a citronella candle so for "demonstration purposes" I stuck the chop stick into it!! Ta dah!!

Ooh...playing along here

Anything But A Card - Spring Forward

Cheerio for now.
Thanks for sharing your day with me!!


Janice said...

Looking good Sarah, a lovely fabric flower. Hope the poor patient isn't put on permanent recall as a result of this! Jx

Laine said...

Stunning, fabulous colour. Such a clever idea. Love it.

Hazel said...

What a fab project Sarah, you have done a great job considering you only had a quick look at the magazine, Hazel xx

Annette said...

Wow, this is fab. Love it. Very pretty fabrics.

Sue said...

This is gorgeous Sarah, I love the pretty material you have used and fab design.
Sue xx

Anonymous said...

This is stunning love the colours you have used. Love Alison xx

Whisper said...

Aaah gorgeous hun and i wish i could sew like that, Luv Sam x

Bridie said...

Fantastic idea!

Thank you so much for leaving a lovely comment on my blog

Hope you had a lovely Easter!!


Bridie@BGPayne Crafts

Chrissy said...

What a neat project to do and I love the fabrics and colours Sarah..gorgeous.


Sue said...

Oh my Sarah!!!!! just think a garden full of more weeds hahahahaha its gorgeous I love it .. lots of huggles Sue xxx

Lynsey said...

Hi Sarah, I have seen this in the magazine but I've not had a go at it yet! Your flower is gorgeous! I really want to make one now!
Hugs Lynsey x

Peanut said...

oh so clever, Sarah! LOVE this idea and speaking of stuffings, instead of sage and onion some lavender will make this a fun little piece to freshen a room. can't wait to see what the next issue will inspire you to do. :-)
hugs, Asha

Di said...

Oooh this is lovely Sarah! Bright and happy flower :-)

Your comment about the CC Kitsch bows being very stiff is spot on! I gently folded mine round a pencil.



Shuly said...

oooooh i'm very impressed with your creations!! how clever and inventive!! you are one talented crafter!!

Rebecca Bradshaw said...

Wow, this looks fabulous! I always love to see beautiful projects like this as I've never tried anything like it before - so inspiring!

Wishcraft said...

Ooh love it Sarah, it looks FAB :o) Hugs, Lisa x

Anonymous said...

oh this is great fun! love it :0)

susiestacey said...

Lovely project Sarah x Susan x